Grandstream GXV3175 User Manual User Manual
Page 53

the TFTP server can be redirected. Please be very careful when configuring
this as the redirection could break the phone if this happens during the
firmware upgrade.
DHCP Option 120
Override SIP Server
Default is “Yes”. This allows device gets provisioned from the server
Automatic Upgrade
The default value is No
. Choose “Yes” to enable automatic HTTP upgrade
and provisioning.
Period time of upgrade
Specifies the time period to check for firmware upgrade. The default setting
is 10080 minutes ( 7 days)
Hour of the day (0-23)
Defines the hour of the day to check the HTTP/TFTP server for firmware
upgrades or configuration files changes.
Day of the week (0-6)
Defines the day of the week to check the HTTP/TFTP server for firmware
upgrades or configuration files changes.
Automatic Upgrade Rule
Defines the rules for automatic upgrade: Always Check, when F/W
suffix/prefix changes, Skip the Firmware Check.
Authenticate Conf File
Authenticate configuration file before acceptance. The Default setting is No.
Factory Reset
Restore to factory default settings. Users can choose from: Full Reset, VoIP
Data Reset, and User Data Reset. After the selection is made, press the
“Reset” button to factory reset the phone.
NoTE: Users can use the backup/restore functionality of the phone prior to
the factory reset.
Syslog Server
The URL/IP address for the syslog server.
Syslog Level
Select the level of logging for syslog. The default setting is NoNE.
There are 4 levels: INFO, DEBUG, ERROR and WARNING.
Syslog messages are sent based on the following events:
Product model/version on boot up (INFO level)
NAT related info (INFO level)
Sent or received SIP message (DEBUG level)
SIP message summary (INFO level)
Inbound and outbound calls (INFO level)
Registration status change (INFO level)
Negotiated codec (INFO level)