Paging, Types of paging, Tone paging – GAI-Tronics ICP9000 Navigator Series Console Installation and Service Manual User Manual
Page 71: Tone paging - example 1

Types of Paging
The ICP9000 Navigator supports the following types of paging: DTMF, 2-Tone, Plectron 5/6-Tone, 1500,
2805, and Immediate DTMF. The CARD Suite Software application is used to set the parameters for
these paging types.
: In many applications below 800 MHz, the maximum allowable signaling time, as prescribed by
FCC regulations, is 3 seconds and only signal once. Therefore, be sure that regulations applying to this
system are not violated before programming the tone length values that would cause the console to signal
for more than the allowed time.
It may be necessary to program the Page PTT (push-to-talk) function tone frequency and the pretime
value for these paging modes. If the Page PTT frequency for a particular channel is disabled, the function
tone used when paging (on that channel) will be the same tone used during a normal transmission.
The PTT pretime compensates for delay in the system that may inadvertently cut off part of the paging
tones. The pretime value is the amount of time in milliseconds (ms) before paging tones begin.
2-Tone Paging
The 2-Tone paging format requires a 3-digit prefix or capcode. This capcode and the selected code plan
determine what paging tone frequencies are transmitted. The console can be programmed to
automatically insert some or all of these digits.
Refer to the example provided below, and to Table 20 and Table 21 to assist you in determining the
capcodes you will need.
2-Tone Paging - Example 1
Suppose the number of 2-Tone keypad digits accepted from the user on the selected channel is 2, and
Code Plan R has been selected. The 8-second group call has been selected and the preset 2-Tone digit is
7. Also, the A tone length is set to 1 second and the B tone length is set to 3 seconds.
If the console operator entered the digits 43 and pressed the
button, the console would
generate 1251.4 Hz for one second followed by 669.9 Hz for three seconds. These tone frequencies are
located on Table 21 according to the following procedure.
1. Locate the chosen code plan (R in this example) on Table 20.
2. From the same chart, locate the most significant digit (MSD) of the 2-Tone prefix (7 in this example).
3. Next, determine the 2-digit number that appears at the intersection of the code plan row and the MSD
column (62 in this example).