Foxconn C51XEM2AA-8EKRS2H User Manual

Page 61

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Chapter 5 Directions for Bundled Software


Manage Profile Rules

This task is used to assign specific applications to specific profiles. Each time the
application is launched, the assigned profile will go into effect.

The profile menu may be pulled down to select a different profile. The list will be
built from profiles currently existing in the profile directory. Choose profile may
also be selected and will launch an explorer window. New applications may be
added to the action list by selecting New application from the list window. Actions
may be removed by selecting it from the list and pressing the key.

Select Start rules after applying changes to begin using them.

Adjust Clock Speeds and Timings

These controls allow the bus speeds to be adjusted manually to increase perfor-
mance for gaming, or lower performance to conserve power and create a quieter
user environment. The number to the right of the slider is the new bus speed that
will be applied. Adjustments can be made by using the mouse to drag the slider.
All changes will take effect immediately after selecting Apply; however, these
setting will only remain active for the current Windows session. This will allow a
user to safely return to Windows in the event of a crash, without any possibility of
boot issues since the changes are not made directly to the BIOS settings.

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