Digi-Star EZII Escape Computer Command Set User Manual

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EZII Escape Computer Command Set


D36 48 Rev G

November 30, 2009

6, 26

Transmit weight display whenever the displayed weight changes to a different value.

& 36


Same data format as setting 1.


Transmit comma delimited data which includes the basic weighing information 1 time per second.

Includes Gross Weight, display unit, weight tag (GR, M+, etc...), Total Rotation Count, Date
& Time with seconds.


Ends with a ,. (Carriage Return- Dec. 13, Line Feed-Dec. 10).

Output example:
1 2 3 4

" 280,LB,GR, 187,03JL03, 3:41:21"


Transmit comma delimited data which includes the basic weighing information once every 5

Same data format as setting 7.


Selection #9 is reserved.


Transmit comma delimited data which includes the EID Tag Reader information once every 2

Includes Gross Weight, display unit, weight tag (GR, M+, etc...), Date & Time.


Ends with a ,. (Carriage Return- Dec. 13, Line Feed-Dec. 10).


For more details on data field format see “Send All EID Records Command” response
sw550/sw2600 format.

Output example:

1 2 3 4 5 6


" EID Data (right justified), 1400,LB,$,GR,08/12/03,14:09,C"


The Check Sum calculation is found at the end of this section.


Transmit comma delimited data which includes the "serial gross weight" 2 times per second.

See service Bulletin #31 for additional information about the “Serial Gross Weight”.

The serial gross weight data will be sent at 9600 Baud, 1 start bit, 7 data bits, 1 EVEN parity
bit and 1 stop bit on pin 2 (COM #1 Tx line) of a J904 or J905 Serial / Printer connector.

Please Note: This setting may not be available if a radio is installed in the indicator for
communications to a Cab Control or Datalink system.


Starts with < STX> (Start of TeXt - Dec. 2).


Six digit Serial Gross Weight “whole number” value (ie.1000 not 100.0).


"LB" or "KG" unit of measure.


Space character.


"SG" to identify Serial Gross weight.


The (End of TeXt - Dec. 3) control character.


Checksum Character (C) value that includes all bytes starting after the up through,
but not including the . The Check Sum calculation is found at the end of this


Ends with a (Carriage Return- Dec. 13).