Digi-Star EZII Escape Computer Command Set User Manual
Page 30

EZII Escape Computer Command Set
D36 48 Rev G
November 30, 2009
6, 26
Transmit weight display whenever the displayed weight changes to a different value.
& 36
Same data format as setting 1.
Transmit comma delimited data which includes the basic weighing information 1 time per second.
Includes Gross Weight, display unit, weight tag (GR, M+, etc...), Total Rotation Count, Date
& Time with seconds.
Ends with a
Output example:
1 2 3 4
" 280,LB,GR, 187,03JL03, 3:41:21"
Transmit comma delimited data which includes the basic weighing information once every 5
Same data format as setting 7.
Selection #9 is reserved.
Transmit comma delimited data which includes the EID Tag Reader information once every 2
Includes Gross Weight, display unit, weight tag (GR, M+, etc...), Date & Time.
Ends with a
For more details on data field format see “Send All EID Records Command” response
sw550/sw2600 format.
Output example:
1 2 3 4 5 6
" EID Data (right justified), 1400,LB,$,GR,08/12/03,14:09,C"
The Check Sum calculation is found at the end of this section.
Transmit comma delimited data which includes the "serial gross weight" 2 times per second.
See service Bulletin #31 for additional information about the “Serial Gross Weight”.
The serial gross weight data will be sent at 9600 Baud, 1 start bit, 7 data bits, 1 EVEN parity
bit and 1 stop bit on pin 2 (COM #1 Tx line) of a J904 or J905 Serial / Printer connector.
Please Note: This setting may not be available if a radio is installed in the indicator for
communications to a Cab Control or Datalink system.
Starts with < STX> (Start of TeXt - Dec. 2).
Six digit Serial Gross Weight “whole number” value (ie.1000 not 100.0).
"LB" or "KG" unit of measure.
Space character.
"SG" to identify Serial Gross weight.
Checksum Character (C) value that includes all bytes starting after the
but not including the
Ends with a