Digi-Star EZII Escape Computer Command Set User Manual

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EZII Escape Computer Command Set


D36 48 Rev G

November 30, 2009

Communication Parameters:

Data is transmitted and received in the asynchronous ASCII format. This communication format is
compatible with other Digi-Star indicators, printers, terminals and computers. "Handshake lines" are not
used and XON/XOFF is not supported.

Port Configuration when COM IN is set to EZ2CMD
9600 BAUD, 1 Start Bit, 7 Data Bits, 1 EVEN Parity Bit & 1 Stop Bit.

Port Configuration when COM IN is set to EZCMD
1200 BAUD, 1 Start Bit, 7 Data Bits, 1 EVEN Parity Bit & 1 Stop Bit.

These parameters are not adjustable in the scale. Equipment interfacing to the scale must match this

Port Wire Connections:


J904 Connector Signals

EZ 2000, EZ 3200,

EZ2400 & EZ3400


J905 Connector Signals

EZ 3500, EZ4300,

EZ3600 & EZ4600


Computer Signals

SW550, SW600, SW2600

& SW4600

1 20ma Current Loop(+)

1 20ma Current Loop(+)

1 Jumpered to 4 & 6

2 Printer&Computer Data(Tx)

2 Com #1 Out (Tx)-DDL & Computer

2 Com #1 Out (Tx)-Computer

3 Computer Data (Rx)

3 Com #1 In (Rx) - DDL & Computer

3 Com #1 In (Rx) - Computer

4 Scoreboard Data (Tx)

4 Com #2 Out (Tx) - Printer

4 Jumpered to 1 & 6

5 Computer Gnd

5 +12 VDC

5 Gnd

6 Printer Gnd

6 Gnd - Available for any Com device

6 Jumpered to 1 & 4

7 Scoreboard Gnd

7 Com #2 In (Rx)

7 Jumpered to 8

8 20ma Current Loop(-)

8 20ma Current Loop(-) is GND

8 Jumpered to 7
9 No connection