Digi-Star EZII Escape Computer Command Set User Manual

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EZII Escape Computer Command Set


D36 48 Rev G

November 30, 2009

Continuous Computer Status Data Output:

This feature causes the indicator to continuously send data . The data format and the frequency it is sent is
determined by the Scoreboard Mode (SCOREM D.A.N. 213) setting. No data is transmitted when SCOREM is
set to ‘0'. Settings 1-6 transmit data out both the Scoreboard RS-232 and 20mA ports on the J904 connector.
Other settings (7, 8, 10 - 13, 21 - 26, etc...) may only transmit data out the computer port (pin 2 of both J904
& J905). The Check Sum calculation used for some of these data strings is found at the end of this section.

SCOREM No Description


No data is transmitted .

1, 21

Transmit weight displayed 1 time per second.

& 31*


Starts with < STX> (Start of TeXt - Dec. 2).


Six digit displayed weight value (may include a decimal). Some digits may provide
additional information as follows:
A = either a minus sign, SPACE, number, or a dollar($). The dollar($) appears when

the "Lock On" weigh method and has "locked onto" a weight value.

B = a number or a SPACE.
C = a number, SPACE, or a ' -' minus sign indicating a TR command is active.
D = a number or a ' -' minus sign indicating that motion is active.


Ends with a (Carriage Return- Dec. 13).

Output examples: (Note: Data sent will start with a and end with ).

123456 <- Number of characters.
" 1530"

- Normal weight value.

"- 1530"

- Negative weight value.

"$ 1530"

- “Locked On” animal weight value.

" 15-0"

- Normal weight value also showing that the TR is being used.

" 153-"

- Normal weight value also showing motion is active.

" 142.5"

- Normal decimal weight value.

"- 142.5"

- Negative decimal weight value.

"$ 142.5"

- “Locked On” animal decimal weight value.

" 14-.5"

- Normal weight decimal value also showing that the TR is being used.

" 142-5"

- Normal weight decimal value also showing motion is active.


31-36 use the same data format as setting 1 except they support data for each scale platform,
start "left to right" with Scale A, Scale B & Scale C.
Output example: (Note: Data sent will start with a and end with ).
“ 1530, 1140, 2000"

- Normal weight values for Scales A, B & C.

2, 22

Transmit weight displayed 2 times per second.

& 32


Same data format as setting 1.

3, 23

Transmit weight displayed 3 times per second.

& 33


Same data format as setting 1.

4, 24

Transmit weight displayed 10 times per second (must use 9600 BAUD rate).

& 34


Same data format as setting 1.

5, 25

Transmit weight displayed using the Display Rate setting (D RATE D.A.N. 102).

& 35


Same data format as setting 1.