Digi-Star EZII Escape Computer Command Set User Manual

Page 14

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EZII Escape Computer Command Set


D36 48 Rev G

November 30, 2009

No Name



This comma delimted format includes EID memory status information.

Includes number Used EID lines, number of Un-used EID lines, and Maximum EID line capacity.


Ends with a ,.

Note: Currently only the StockWeigh indicators ( SW550 EID, SW2600 EID, and SW4600 EID ) support EID memory storage.

Print example of StockWeigh SW550 EID and SW2600 EID indicators:
1 2 3 4

" 157, 1379, 1536"

Print example of StockWeigh SW4600 EID indicator:
1 2 3 4

" 76, 10092, 10168"

15 " EID "

This comma delimited format includes EID information for animal weighing.

Includes EID tag information, weight, display unit, '$' if weight is "locked-on", Net/Gross, date, time & checksum.


Ends with a ,.


For more details on data field format see “Send All EID Records Command” response SW550 / SW2600 format.

Print example:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
" EID Data (right justified), 1400,LB,$,GR,08/12/03,14:09,C"