Datatek UTM User Manual
Page 9

U T M U s e r ' s M a n u a l
The UTM Console interface may be used for console activities and the initial configuration. It
assumes the connected device is configured as 9600 baud, 8 bits and no parity.
10/100 B
The DTK41 LAN and Fiber ports are used for IP network connectivity. The UTM simultaneously
supports IP-DSU style BNS trunks and Internet peer level protocols (e.g. IP, TCP, UDP, ICMP
and SNMP). All of the 10/100 ports are fully switched, not bridged. The capacity of the switch is
over 1Gbps. The 10/100 and Fiber ports are managed from the UTM console. Each 10/100 port
and the Fiber port may be enabled or disabled individually. Alarms are generated if a link is
established, or if a link is lost.
An advanced feature DTK41 is that no crossover cable is ever required on the 10/100 ports. The
10/100 ports will automatically correct for the cabling mismatch.
The 10/100 ports will self-configure to match the speed of the link (10 Mbps or 100 Mbps ), and
the Duplex ( Full or Half ). No configuration is required.
The Fiber interface connects to the industry standard SC cabling. If ST cabling is used, the
DTK41 ST plug-in module is used. No adapter cables are required.
The UTM DSU (4-wire) interface is software configurable for T1 or E1 rates. A value of T1 is used
for domestic 1.544 MHz interfaces with 193 Bit Superframes. A value of E1 is used for European
2.048 MHz interfaces with 256 Bit Superframes. The DSU functionality is built in. This interface
may be used for connectivity to TDM Trunks, Frame Relay and ATM networks.
2.3.5 V
The DTK41 high performance I/O board is available with two different mounting brackets. The
DTK41N incorporates a mounting bracket specifically designed to be installed in a BNS node, a
Datakit VCS node, or an MPC. The DTK41S has a mounting bracket specifically designed to be
placed in a SAM504, SAM64, or SAM128.