Datatek UTM User Manual
Page 28

U T M U s e r ' s M a n u a l
The type parameter indicates the base protocol set to be used between interfaces.
A value of IPDSU indicates that the trunk is to communicate to a remote entity using the
IP-DSU base protocol.
A value of HDLC indicates that the protocol set uses HDLC bit encoding.
A value of FR indicates that the Frame Relay base protocol stacks is to be used.
A value of ATM indicates that the ATM AAL5 protocol stacks is to be used.
The phy parameter defines the physical interface.
A value of V35 for the phy parameter selects the Serial phy using the V.35 physical
layer. This configuration may be used at speeds up to E1.
A value of 232 for the phy parameter selects the serial phy using the RS-232 physical
layer. This configuration may be used at speeds up to 64K.
A value of DSU for the phy parameter selects the DSU interface, which was configured
using the DSU command.
Note: The selection type=IPDSU automatically uses the LAN interface.
The dest specifies the address of the remote destination. If the UTM connects to an IP-DSU
compatible device on an IP infrastructure, the dest parameter is set to the IP address of the
remote IP-DSU or Universal Trunk.
The encrypt option enables or disables the IP-DSU encryption algorithm. This requires
the same setting on both ends of the connection.
The loop option is only valid with an IP-DSU type trunk. When set to ON, it will echo
back all data received on a trunk back to its origin (the default is set to OFF). This only applies to
the IP-DSU trunk and not any other protocol traffic on the LAN.
The dlci parameter allows the selection of the DLCI to be used for frame relay transport. It is only
valid when the selected type is FR. It should be noted that DLCI values 0-15, and those above
1008 are reserved for LMI and not available.
The cir parameter allows the selection of the administered committed data rate on the facility. It is
only valid when the selected type is FR. The cir value administered is used as the maximum data
rate at which the UTM will send data when the facility has indicated congestion with the BECN
flag on a frame received by the UTM. Every frame received from the facility will update the
congestion status that is used to make the determination as to whether or not the cir parameter is
applicable. The valid values are open which is the default, and indicates that no restriction should
be made; 16k for 16kbps, 32k for 32Kbps, 64K for 64Kbps, 128K for 128Kbps, 256K for
256Kbps, 512K for 512Kbps, 768K for 768Kbps, and 1024K for 1Mbps.
The vpi parameter and its associated vpi and vci options allow the selection of the VCC to be
used for ATM AAL5 transport. They are only valid when the selected type is ATM. It should be
noted that VCI values of 0-31 are reserved for specific functions under UNI 3.1 and UNI 4.0.
Consequently, they are not available for use.
The modtype parameter allows for the selection of a module type as seen by the BNS-2000/
BNS-2000 VCS Control Computer. This is necessary since not all trunk types will fit all functions.
For example, for connectivity to an MPC, it is necessary to configure the modtype as an SWT. In
order to connect to a SAM8, or SAM16, it is necessary to set the modtype as a SAMSL. To use
the universal trunk as a CPM connection, a modtype of CPM is used. In the CPM case, all the
transport mechanisms are supported, but the IP-CommKit host software uses only the IP-DSU