Datatek UTM User Manual
Page 38

U T M U s e r ' s M a n u a l
The HPIO command is used to enable or disable the physical LAN connections on the DTK41
high performance I/O module. The DTK41 operates defaults to all ports being active. Therefore,
no configuration is required unless security of the unused ports becomes an issue.
The RESET command option is used to perform a restart on the DTK41 module. Under normal
circumstances, it should never be required to use this command. No arguments are required. The
‘Link Active’ alarms for all connected links will be issued after a reset.
The ENABLE command enables the physical interfaces that have been previously disabled. The
DTK41 defaults to all interfaces being enabled. The ENABLE accepts a target to specify those
ports to be affected. A target value of ALL specifies that all three 10/100 BaseT ports, and the
Fiber port is to be affected. A target value of FIBER specifies that only the fiber port is to be
affected. A numeric value or range specifies the 10/100 BaseT ports. The numeric value may be
a single number (e.g. ‘2’) or a range (e.g. 1-2).
The DISABLE command disables physical interfaces. When disabled, the interface is not capable
of communications. The DISABLE accepts a target to specify those ports to be affected. These
are in the same form as the ENABLE command.
The DTK41 10/100 PHY ports default to automatic negotiation. This can also be set with the
AUTO command option. The 10/100 ports can be set to a static configuration. When set to a
static configuration, the automatic negotiation advertisement of the DTK41 10/100 PHY is limited
to the selected option. The four static configurations are: 10HDX for 10Mbps half duplex, 10FDX
for 10Mbps full duplex, 100HDX for 100Mbps half duplex, and 100FDX for 100Mbps full duplex.
It is strongly recommended that the default configuration of automatic negotiation (AUTO) is
used. Any forced mismatch between the DTK41 10/100 port and the attached hub, switch or
router will almost certainly result in unpredictable data error or loss.
Syntax: banner [clear] [L#=”Line # Message”]
command is only visible when the unit is logged. It is used to administer the security
banner. The default is a NULL banner. If a security banner is configured, it is displayed at each
user login. The clear option is a shortcut to erase the entire message.
Syntax: dbreset passwd=
This command returns the DT-4000 to the default configuration set up by the factory. The
password will return to the factory default of initial.