Datatek AIX V5.3 (32/64 bit kernel) User Manual
Page 9
I P - C o m m K i t I n s t a l l a t i o n a n d A d m i n i s t r a t i o n G u i d e
f o r A I X – R e l e a s e 1 . 0 . 2 2
Datatek Applications Inc.
To configure the UTM, you need an IP address and subnet mask that you will assign to the UTM,
as well as the IP address assigned to the host LAN interface. If the UTM and host are not on the
same subnet, you will also need the IP address of a gateway that can forward packets from the
UTM to the host.
Enter the following commands on the UTM console port.
Here the IP addresses and subnet mask are shown in bold Italics. You would replace these
names with numbers when you enter the commands.
Enter the following command to check the configuration: