Check /var/opt/dk/log/dkdaemonlog – Datatek AIX V5.3 (32/64 bit kernel) User Manual
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I P - C o m m K i t I n s t a l l a t i o n a n d A d m i n i s t r a t i o n G u i d e
f o r A I X – R e l e a s e 1 . 0 . 2 2
Datatek Applications Inc.
Dec 18 14:26:38 (8810) Received keep-alive message from unknown
This output is typical when the UTM IP address you configured in dkiptab does not match the
UTM IP address you configured through the UTM console.
If the messages that you see don’t look similar to any of the examples above, consult the
dkipd(1M) manual page. This describes all messages that are written to the log file.
The primary responsibility for dkipd is to establish communications with the UTM. You can
confirm that dkipd and the UTM have established communications by issuing the vfy command
on the UTM console. The report should contain the following line:
Actual IP-DSU Service State ==> Peer Connectivity Established.
6.2.6 C
Enter the following command on the host computer:
# tail -17 /var/opt/dk/log/dkdaemonlog
This displays the log file created by dkdaemon(1M). The output should look similar to the
following report:
Dec 18 14:55:09 (8866) /usr/sbin/dkdaemon : Started, Log Level = 5
Dec 18 14:55:09 (8867) acct_start: Accounting Disabled