Datatek AIX V5.3 (32/64 bit kernel) User Manual

Page 29

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I P - C o m m K i t I n s t a l l a t i o n a n d A d m i n i s t r a t i o n G u i d e

f o r A I X – R e l e a s e 1 . 0 . 2 2


Datatek Applications Inc.


This displays the end of the log file created by dkipd(1M). The last two lines of the output should

be similar to the report below:

Dec 18 12:08:54 (8626) Connectivity from host_ip_address to

utm_ip_address established

Dec 18 12:09:19 (8626) UTM module utm_ip_address restored to service

Here, the host_ip_address is the IP address assigned to the host computer, and the

utm_ip_address is the IP address assigned to the UTM. Note that dkipd will use the name

associated with the address, if possible. If your host connects to several UTMs, you should see

these two messages repeated for each UTM IP address.

If you see the first line, “Connectivity from …”, but not the second, “UTM module …”, it indicates

that the CPM is out of service. Go back to the procedure for checking that the CPM is in service.

If the output on your host is different, compare it to the following output examples that are

associated with common problems.

/usr/sbin/dkipd: Error in configuration file "/etc/opt/dk/dkiptab"

Line 38: 0 dino 135.17..59.203

Can't resolve address: 135.17..59.203

This output is typical of an error in dkiptab, the configuration file for dkipd. You may have

forgotten to customize the file for you application, or you may have made a typing error. In the

output above, there was an error typing in the IP address of the UTM module. Note that the error

message indicates the line number where the error was detected.