Appendix c: penalty guidelines, Appendix c, Penalty guidelines – Daktronics DakStats Football User Manual

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Appendix C: Penalty Guidelines


Appendix C: Penalty Guidelines

Enter the initial play as it occurred, and then proceed to enter the penalty as a new play.
Do not attempt to enter the penalty inside of the play that happened.

Do not follow the Down and Distance in the Play-by-Play (PbP) script for the true yardage;
instead, follow the D&D inside the Game In Progress (GIP) menu at the top of the screen.
This gives the true possession, down, and distance after a penalty is submitted.

A penalty’s result will always provide an accurate result afterwards. For example, if there is a
fourth down play which the offense comes up short, the PbP script and the GIP will show
possession has changed. However, once the penalty is submitted and a first down or nullified
play is assigned, the GIP and D&D will correctly revert back to the proper team.


Nullify Play will always nullify the play that was previously entered and the
statistics will not be counted.


Penalty signifies a penalty that did not affect the statistical data from the previous
play. This is the most common entry. Use when a penalty is not declined, does not
nullify the previous play, or is not a downfield penalty.


Downfield signifies that a penalty occurred downfield during the play and will be
marked from the spot of the foul. The statistics from the play will count, but the
down will remain unchanged unless the net of the play minus the penalty is great
enough to gain a first down.


Decline merely acts as a way to better describe the historical PbP of the game. It does
not hold any statistical value.

Change Down signifies a penalty that down not alter the D&D, the next
down will appear. (intentional grounding)

Repeat Down signifies a repeating down where the Distance is affected.

First Down automatically rewards a first down to the current team with

Offsetting signifies there were two penalties on the play. If there is one
penalty that affects the yardage/D&D, enter that one first, and then enter the
second offsetting penalty as the next play. If neither penalty has resulting
effects, the order of entry does not matter.

RptDwn+Togo signifies a penalty that keeps the same D&D as the
previously entered play. This is most often used for penalties on returns
(Kick, Interception, Fumble) where the offense hasn’t snapped the ball. For
example, a hold during a return will still be 1st and 10 (not 1st and 20).

Enforced From? is the yardline where the penalty will begin to be enforced from. Sometimes
this is the line of scrimmage, sometimes this is where a Hold occurred on a kick return.

Ball On? is the new line of scrimmage after the penalty.

For any penalty, the penalized team can be changed by clicking once on the team
abbreviation next to the Penalty On box.

If the ball crosses midfield, click on the team abbreviation next to Where?/Enforced From? and
Ball On?.

The new location of the ball can either be typed in or the ball can be moved to the correct
yard line on the field.