To add a new team via list, To import a team, Editing a team – Daktronics DakStats Football User Manual
Page 15

Initial Setup
To Add a New Team Via List
Teams that use the DakStats Web-Sync service are able to add other teams and information
using the Via List option rather than having to enter other teams’ information by hand.
1. Click Via List.
2. In the Look Up League ID window (Figure 6), select the team’s League.
3. Highlight a team, and then click Select.
Note: If no leagues appear in the League dropdown menu, click Update Leagues.
If no teams appear after selecting a league, click Update Teams.
To Import a Team
1. Click Import.
2. Select a team to import.
Note: The importing option is typically used to quickly get information from another
team that also uses DakStats Football, rather than typing in all of the information
manually and risking errors. See Section 7 for more information about importing and
exporting teams.
Editing a Team
1. Go to Configure > Teams.
2. In the Configure Teams window (Figure 5), select the Season.
3. Select the team to edit.
4. Enter changes to the team’s information using the text and check boxes.
5. Click Save to keep the changes, or click Cancel to discard the changes.
6. Click Close when finished.
Figure 6: Look Up League ID Window