Credentials – Daktronics DakStats Football User Manual
Page 57

Additional Features & Settings
For example, <
Click the [>>] button to view a complete list of available markups, and click on a
markup to insert it into the textbox at the location of the cursor.
1. Under Username, type in the Twitter account name
that the tweets will be posted to.
2. Click Validate Connection.
3. In the Authorize DakStats window (Figure 65), click
4. A Twitter webpage will open in the default Internet
browser (Figure 66). Enter the Username or email and
Password for the Twitter account (if not already signed
in), and then click Authorize app.
5. The next page will provide a unique PIN number.
Copy and Paste this number into the Pin text box,
then click OK.
6. Click OK again on the confirmation window
The text shown on the Configure Twitter window should change as follows:
DakStats now has access to send tweets on behalf of this Twitter account.
Under Profile, users may select a Web-Sync profile associated with the season. The following
template markups require a Web-Sync profile in order to be used:
League Sport Gender
Team Schedule Link (this appears as a shortened bitly™ link to a Web-Sync page)
Note: The Web-Sync profile needs to have been successfully synced at least once. If the
profile was just created without being synced, or if no profile is selected, the software will
ignore these markups.
Figure 65: Authorize DakStats
Figure 66: Authorization Page
Figure 67: Confirmation Window