Frames -4, Moving between frames -4, Holding a frame -4 – Daktronics Venus 1500 Ver 1.x User Manual
Page 31

A message can be composed of one frame or multiple frames.
To create multiple frames, click one of the insert icons at the
bottom of the screen. A new frame can be inserted in front of the
current frame by clicking on the insert before icon or at the end
of the message by clicking on the insert at the end icon.
A frame can also be added by pressing <
> at the bottom of a frame. The added frame
will be placed immediately after the current frame.
The frame displayed is copied by clicking on the copy icon. The new frame is added after the
current frame.
Click on the delete icon to remove the current frame.
5.6.1 Moving Between Frames
Use the up and down arrow keys on the keyboard to move to
the next or previous frame(s). Various frames can also be
reached by clicking on the up/down arrows or by entering the
number of the frame desired in the Frame box.
5.6.2 Holding A Frame
The length of time a message remains on the sign (once all the
entry effects have been completed) is controlled by increasing
or decreasing the numbers in the Hold box. Increasing the number will hold the frame
longer while decreasing the number will cause the sign to go to the next frame at a
faster rate. The maximum value is 999 (Venus 1500 version 1.54 and higher).
The hold time is read by multiplying the number in the box by 0.1 seconds. In the
example shown, a hold of “20” will hold the frame (20 x 0.1 =) 2.0 seconds before
going to the next frame. Setting a hold time to “0” will give the frame an “infinite”
hold time. Using this option means the frame will never advance and no other
messages will run until the operator stops this frame.
Note: A separate number can be set for each frame. When frames are added or
copied, the hold time for the new frame behaves as follows:
When added or inserted, the new frame’s hold time takes the default from the
options window (refer to Section 5.17).
When copied, the new hold time is the same as the original frame.
When <
> is pressed at the end of a frame, a new blank frame is added.
The new frame’s hold time takes the default from the options window.