ATEIS ECS User Manual
Page 39
Version EN.1
The design must be stored into the ECS, and your PC on which Ateïs Studio is running must be
On-line (live) with the ECS. Now you can start the setup procedure.
You can have different kind of ECS use, but the setup procedure idea is the same for all.
For example let's take this complete configuration:
This procedure is decrypted on several pages but the idea is simple:
• Turn off local amplification
• Bypass the AEC
• Adjust signal coming from the other side
• Adjust local sources
• Adjust the local echo suppressors of the local sources
• Active the AEC
Turn off local amplification
If you have a local amplification of the local sources then turn off the local application. Only
the far end signal is allowed in the speakers.
Mute the local sources in the mixer of the local amplification and just enable the far-end
signal coming from the other side.