8 auto maintain, Auto maintain – AGI Security SYS-16HN44P User Manual
Page 236

Function: There are various devices for you to select. Console is for you to use the COM or mini-end
software to upgrade or debug the program. The control keyboard is for you to control the device via
the special keyboard. Transparent COM (adapter) is to connect to the PC to transfer data directly.
Protocol COM is for card overlay function. Network keyboard is for you to use the special keyboard
to control the device. PTZ matrix is to connect to the peripheral matrix control.
Baud rate: You can select proper baud rate.
Data bit: You can select proper data bit. The value ranges from 5 to 8.
Stop bit: There are three values: 1/1.5/2.
Parity: there are five choices: none/odd/even/space mark.
System default setup is:
Function: Console
Baud rate:115200
Data bit:8
Stop bit:1
Parity: None
After completing all the setups please click save button, system goes back to the previous menu.
Figure 4-156
4.15.8 Auto Maintain
Here you can set auto-reboot time and auto-delete old files setup. You can set to delete the files for the
specified days. See Figure 4-157.
You can select proper setup from dropdown list.
After all the setups please click save button, system goes back to the previous menu.