NEXCOM NEX 732L2G User Manual

Page 40

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Chapter 4

NEX732L2G User Manual

Gate A20 Option

Enables you to select whether the chipset or the keyboard controller should control Gate A20.

The options are:

* Normal: A pin in the keyboard controller controls Gate A20.

* Fast: Lets chipset control Gate A20.

Typematic Rate Setting

If set to Enabled, enables you to set the Typematic Rate and Typematic Delay. When Disabled, the follow-

ing two items (Typematic Rate and Typematic Delay) are irrelevant. Keystroke repeats at a rate determined

by the keyboard controller in your system.

Typematic Rate (Chars/Sec): When the typematic rate setting is Enabled, you can select a typematic

rate (the rate at which character repeats when you hold down a key) of 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 20, 24, or 30

characters per second.

Typematic Delay (Msec): This setting controls the time between the display of the first character and

successive characters. There are four delay choices: 250ms, 500ms, 750ms and 1000ms.

Security Option

Enables you to select whether the password is required every time the system boots or only when you

enter Setup.


The system will not boot and access to Setup will be denied if the correct password is not

entered at the prompt.


The system will boot, but access to Setup will be denied if the correct password is not

entered at setup.


The APIC Mode BIOS feature is used to enable or disable the motherboard’s APIC (Advanced Program-

mable Interrupt Controller). If your single-processor motherboard supports APIC and you are using a Win32

operating system (Windows NT, 2000 and XP), it’s recommended that you enable this feature to allow faster

and better IRQ handling. If you are using a multiprocessor motherboard, you must enable this feature

because it’s required for IRQ handling in multiprocessor systems.

OS Select for DRAM>64MB

Set to OS2 if the system memory size is greater than 64 MB and the operating system is OS/2.

Limit CPUID MaxVal

This item belongs to the Prescott CPU family. Enable it when the Prescott CPU family is installed on

Window NT4.0 but disable it for WinXP.