Casella CEL Software for Nomad (Standard Operation) User Manual
Page 26

The date/time will be output in the standard format defined on the PC running
Online Pro.
Real time values
To output real time values you must insert text like this:
where ws_name is the name of the monitor system and channel_name is the
name of a channel on that monitor system. This will output the raw data
values coming from the monitor system with no further formatting.
Please observe case sensitivity on all text, especially website-name
and channel-name between the template file and Online Pro configuration
Formatting real time values
If you do not want to display the raw channel, values you can control the
output format by adding the formatting instructions between the
channel_name and the } in the above format (note there must be no spaces
between the channel name and the format specifier or between the format
specifier and the }).
This formatting specifier has the format (x.y), where x is the
minimum number of characters output (padded with leading 0s) and y is the
number of decimal places displayed.
So to output wind direction as three digits with leading 0s and no
decimal point you would use (3.0), to output a temperature to one decimal
place you would use (0.1).
Refreshing the web page
It is possible to get a web browser to refresh (reload) a page periodically and
so display undated data. To do this you must add
into the template file in the
section. Where x is the number ofseconds between refreshes, The frequency of the refreshes should be set to
balance the time it takes to refresh the page with the importance of have the
data in real time.
Real Time
ONLINE Pro Application Software for
Automatic Monitor Systems - Users Handbook
Page 26 of 68