Casella CEL Software for Nomad (Standard Operation) User Manual
Page 22

A windrose displays the wind direction both
numerically and graphically. The numerical
representation will always be three digits with
leading zeros.
The wind direction options allow you to
specify the monitor system that is to be the
source of the wind direction data plus a data
channel. The colour of the rose and of the pointer
can be specified via windrose options.
This displays a graph of one or
two data values against time.
If the data source is a
wind direction, then the axis can
display directions (as opposed to
numeric values) and covers 720
degrees to reduce the chance of
discontinuities when the direction
passes through north (0
Data source 1 and 2
options allow you to specify the
monitor systems that are to be
the sources of the data plus
relevant data channels. Trace 1 and 2 options specify the axis title and line
colour. The use of autoranging or a manual setting with minimum and
maximum range values can also be specified.
Timebase options allow you to display the values taken during the
most recent period, defined in terms of hours, minutes and seconds (up to 23
hours, 59 minutes and 59 seconds).
When the time base is less then 4 hours, data is displayed at a 1
second resolution. When the time base is 4 or more hours, it is displayed at a
1 minute resolution.
Initially the graph will display any relevant data that has been logged
by the program in the time period that it is being displayed.
Realtime Windrose
This provides information about the wind
speed and direction. The data can be
overlaid on a bitmap image (usually a map).
A windrose is drawn, divided into
16 direction sectors filled in proportion to
the distance (time x speed) that the wind
has blown from the specified direction. In
addition, the text displayed at the top left of
the item is automatically produced, and
shows the prevailing wind direction and the total wind run.
Real Time
ONLINE Pro Application Software for
Automatic Monitor Systems - Users Handbook
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