Altera PCI Development Kit, Cyclone II Edition Getting Started User Manual

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Altera Corporation

PCI Development Kit, Cyclone II Edition Getting Started User Guide

May 2005

Kit Features

specific design requirements. This IP core includes a complete set of
tools, including reference designs and applications targeted to the
Cyclone II EP2C35 PCI development board.

Jungo WinDriver Development Toolkit—Jungo’s WinDriver is a driver
development toolkit that automates and simplifies the development
of user mode Windows device drivers for PCI buses. WinDriver is
designed to enable development of high performance, high quality
user-mode device drivers, and does not require DDK knowledge or
kernel-level development.

Quartus II Software, Development Kit Edition (DKE), version 5.0—The
Quartus II software provides a comprehensive environment for
system-on-a-programmable-chip (SOPC) design. The Quartus II
software integrates into nearly any design environment, with
interfaces to industry-standard EDA tools. The kit includes:

The SOPC Builder system development tool

A one-year Quartus II DKE software license, Windows platform


The Quartus II DKE software license allows you to use the
product for 12 months. After 12 months, the Quartus II
DKE software license expires and you must purchase
another Quartus II license to continue using the Quartus II
software. For more information, refer to the Altera web site

MegaCore IP Library CD-ROM, version 5.0—This CD-ROM contains
Altera IP MegaCore functions. You can evaluate the MegaCore
functions using the OpenCore


Plus feature, which allows you to:

Simulate the behavior of a MegaCore function within your

Verify the functionality of your design, as well as quickly and
easily evaluate its size and speed

Generate time-limited device programming files for designs that
include MegaCore functions

Program a device and verify your design in hardware

You only need to purchase a license for a MegaCore function when you
are completely satisfied with its functionality and performance, and want
to take your design to production.


The OpenCore Plus hardware evaluation feature is an
evaluation tool for prototyping only. You must purchase a
license to use an Altera IP function in production designs.