Active serial mode, Jtag programming via serial flash loader – Altera PCI Development Kit, Cyclone II Edition Getting Started User Manual

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Altera Corporation

Core Version a.b.c variable


May 2005

PCI Development Kit, Cyclone II Edition Getting Started User Guide

Getting Started

Active Serial Mode

To program the on-board serial flash in active serial mode using a POF
file, perform the following steps:


Ensure that EPCS64 device select switch (J3) is in the Down position
(towards the back of the board).

If the switch (J3) is not in the Down position (i.e., toward the back
of the board), you will erase the factory-programmed default
design. Refer to

“Restoring the Factory-Programmed Design”

on page 2–18



Connect the USB-Blaster to the active serial interface connector (J11).


Start the Quartus II software.


Choose Programmer (Tools menu).


In the Mode list, select Active Serial Programming.


Click Add File and browse to the POF you want to program to flash
memory. Click Open.


Click Start to program the EPCS64 device.

JTAG Programming via Serial Flash Loader

The SFL solution is an in-system programming scheme that streamlines
the process of programming the EPCS64 device. For example, you do not
need a separate programming interface to configure the Cyclone II device
and program the serial configuration device. However, the SFL solution
is slower because you need to configure the Cyclone II device before
programming the serial configuration device.

To configure the Cyclone II device via the SFL solution, you need to:

Bridge the JTAG interface with the active serial memory interface
(ASMI) block of the Cyclone II device

Convert the SOF to a JIC file


For information about converting the SOF to a JIC file, and step-by-step
instructions for the SFL solution, refer to Application Note 370: Using the
Serial FlashLoader with the Quartus II Software.