Altera Cyclone III LS FPGA User Manual
Page 32

Chapter 6: Board Test System
The Power Monitor
Cyclone III LS FPGA Development Kit User Guide
© October 2009 Altera Corporation
You can also run the Power Monitor as a stand-alone application. PowerTool.exe
resides in the
Windows, click Start > All Programs > Altera > Cyclone III LS FPGA Development
<version> > Power Monitor to start the application.
The Power Monitor communicates to the MAX II device on the board through the
JTAG bus. A power monitor circuit attached to the MAX II device allows you to
measure the power that the Cyclone III LS FPGA device is consuming regardless of
the design currently running.
shows the Power Monitor.
The following sections describe the Power Monitor controls.
MAX II Information
These controls display information about the MAX II device.
MAX II Version
—Indicates the version of MAX II code currently running on the
board. The MAX II code resides in the
of this code might be available on the
the Altera website.
Figure 6–7. The Power Monitor