Woodhaven 7660: Large Half-Blind Router Table Dovetail Jig w/Bit User Manual
7650 small half-blind router table dovetail jig, Please read carefully, Parts list

Parts List
Please identify and verify that you have all of the parts.
Part Description Quantity
Half-Blind Dovetail Jig, pre-assembled . . . . . . . 1
7650 Small
Half-Blind Router
Table Dovetail Jig
Please Read Carefully!
Stop Position:
The Stop position controls the location of the first PIN/
TAIL & SOCKET where the drawer bottom groove will
eventually be cut (after machining the dovetails) in all the drawer
parts. The groove is normally centered in the first dovetail socket
from the bottom of the drawer so it is hidden after assembly.
The location of the bottom of the groove is usually between 1/4"
(for side mounted drawer guides) to 1/2" (for bottom mounted
drawer guides) from the bottom edge of the drawer. The Stop is
pre-set at 1-5/16" from each end of the Template, which positions
the bottom of the groove at 1/4" from the drawer bottom. (You
may cut into the stop slightly at this setting, which is OK.)
Repositioning the Stop to 1-1/16" from each end
of the Template will position the bottom of the groove at
1/2" from the drawer bottom.
Before Beginning:
Identify and verify that you have all the parts
listed. Read the instructions at least once,
familiarizing yourself with the parts before beginning.
For adjustments, you’ll need a 7/16" socket wrench.
The 7650 Half-Blind Dovetail Jig is designed for
router table use only. It cuts the common 7/8" on-center
dovetail spacing using stock from 1/2" to 3/4" thick,
up to 7-3/8" wide and a minimum of 6" long.
Set Bit Height:
You’ll need a table mounted router. Install the Dovetail
Bit (61780) in your router and set the bit height at 25/32"
using the Bit Gauge (7650B - attached to back of Ultra Track).
The bit height may need to be adjusted later (Step 8) after making
a test cut.
Alternately you can use a 5/8" guide bushing & locknut
(5030K, not included) and a 1/2" diameter x 14º dovetail bit with
a 1/2" shank (61404, not included). If using your own bushing,
make sure the nose isn’t over 1/2" long.