Woodhaven 7600-7603: Dovetail Jigs User Manual
Woodhaven Tools

Depending on the Dovetail Jig purchased, you will have
either a dovetail bit (1/2" diameter x 14º) with a 1/4" shank &
5/8" bearing (780), or a 5/8" Guide Bushing (5030), Locknut
(5040) and a dovetail bit (1/2" diameter x 14º) with a 1/2"
shank (61404). Install the bit (and bushing if applicable) in
your router and set the bit depth at 25/32". The depth may
need to be adjusted later after making a test cut. See fig. 14.
This jig is designed for 3/8" to 1-1/8" thick stock. 1/2"
stock is the most common thickness used for drawers. The stock
used for the fronts & backs can be a different thickness then the
stock used for the sides. All stock should be flat and straight.
Stock thinner than 3/8" may be used for the backs and
fronts, but the ends of the pins (dovetails) may show. Using
thinner stock for the sides will not effect the look of the joint
like it will on the fronts and backs.
We recommend a 1/64" overhang on each end of the fronts
and backs, so cut the fronts and backs are 1/32" longer than the
finished width of the drawer. Cut the sides approximately 9/16"
longer (this will depend on the final cutting depth of the router
bit and only applies to the standard dovetail template) than the
desired inside length of the drawer.
The width of the stock will depend on the height of the
drawer opening, desired drawer depth and the dovetail pattern
Cut two pieces of stock for a test cut at least 8" long, 4-6"
wide and 1/2" thick. Follow the directions below for a standard
drawer. After you have mastered making a standard drawer you
may want to attempt a rabbeted drawer. See the RABBETED
DRAWER section for instructions on that process.
Loosen the two ratchet handles on the two template
nuts and raise or lower the dovetail template at each
end until the drawer front (or back) just fits between the
underside of the dovetail template and the top edge of
the Ultra Track, then retighten the handles. Depending on
variations in the thickness of your stock, the dovetail template
height may have to be adjusted for each part. See 15.
Place a drawer side in the jig with the inside facing out, the
bottom edge against the stop and the end butted up against the
underside of the dovetail template. Slide the clamps as close as
possible to the edge of the part and tighten the clamps. See 16.
Slide the mating drawer front (or back) in between the
underside of the dovetail template and the top edge of the
Ultra Track, and slide it forward until it butts up against the
drawer side. The bottom edge of the part should be against
the pin in the stop and the inside face should be against
the template. Slide the clamps as close as possible to the
edge of the part and tighten them. The end of the drawer
side should be flush to top (inside face) of the drawer
front (or back). Check this with your finger between the
fingers of the dovetail template. See Cover & fig. 17.
Initial bit depth 25/32”
Check that end of
drawer side is fl ush to
face of front (or back).