Woodhaven 7640: Keller Dovetail Kit User Manual
7640 keller dovetail kit, Please read carefully, Parts list

Read the instructions at least once, familiarizing yourself
with the parts and instructions before beginning.
Your stock should be flat, square and between 1/4 and 3/4"
thick. The boards do not all have to be the same thickness. Cut
the finished length of the boards between 1/32" and 1/16" longer
then the finished length. This gets removed after assembly. Use
scraps for the initial test cuts.
Remove the existing template from your 7600-7603
Woodhaven Dovetail Jig and replace it with the Keller Dovetail
Template (7640T1). The dovetail half of the joints need to be cut
first as this is the non-adjustable part of the joint.
Install the dovetail bit (7533) in your router and
set the depth of cut to 1/64" more than the thickness of
your stock (maximum 3/4" thick stock capacity), taking
into account the 1/2" thickness of the template.
Swap the locations of the existing stops and
position them even with the first opening at each
end of the template for now. See fig. 1.
Loosen the two ratchet handles on the two template
nuts and raise or lower the template until a scrap board just
fits between the underside of the template and the top edge
of the Ultra Track, then retighten the handles. Position the
edge of the scrap flush with the face of the Ultra Track and
clamp it in place using the dovetail jigs clamps. The scrap
board should be at least 1/16" thicker and about 1" wider
than the work. The scrap board prevents tear out when the
bit exits the back of the work and provides an extra margin
of safety to help insure the bit won’t hit the Ultra Track.
Install the work in the front of the jig with the OUTSIDE
FACE of the work against the Ultra Track. Place the end of
the work against the underside of the template and the edge of
the work against the edge of the stop. Adjust the stop position
to align the work where desired in relation to the fingers on
the template (center or offset pattern as desired). Tighten
the front clamps to hold the work in place. See fig. 2.
Make a test cut in some scrap. Cut from left to right,
following the fingers of the template. If you get chipping on
the exposed face of your work you may need to clamp a scrap
of 1/4" plywood or hardboard to the face of the work. When
satisfied, make all the dovetail cuts in all of your parts.
Dovetail Kit
Please Read Carefully!
Parts List:
Part Description
Keller Dovetail Template . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Keller Pin Template . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Dovetail Bit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Straight Bit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1