Woodhaven 4556: Portable Box Joint Jig User Manual
4556 portable box joint jig, Please read carefully, Parts list

Parts List
Please identify and verify that you have all of the hardware
prior to assembly. Parts listed in this box are shown in
photos & drawings in the instructions.:
Part Description
12” Ultra Track . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Router Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Clamps, pre-assembled . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Router Stop. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Inch Setup Jigs, 5 pc. set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Sub-Fence, 2 pc. set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Aluminum Stops, 2 pc. set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Identify and verify that you have all the parts listed. Read the
instructions at least once, familiarizing yourself with the parts before
beginning. You’ll need a #3 Phillips screwdriver for assembly.
The majority of the parts have the hardware pre-attached and
just need to be attached to the Ultra Track. You may need to loosen
the hardware to install the parts, or reattach the hardware if it came
loose during shipping. Replacement Sub-Fences (4556F) are available
from Woodhaven, or you can make your own out of 3/4" material.
The Portable Box Joint Jig is designed to be used on work
that is clamped in a stationary position. It’s perfect for work that
is too heavy or cumbersome to pass over a stationary cutter on a
table saw or router table. The jig will cut box joints 1/2" to 1-9/16"
wide a minimum of 1/2" deep in stock a maximum of 2" thick.
For cutting, you'll need a 1/2" collet router, a 3/4" diameter
bushing and a 1/2" diameter bit. Spiral upcut bits are excellent
for cutting solid woods. Select a bit with the shortest possible
cut length. You'll also need a 6" bar clamp (for the first and last
cuts on the work) and a workbench/vise to hold the work.
Portable Box
Joint Jig
Please Read Carefully!
Stop & Sub-Fence Assembly:
These parts get installed in the T-slots on the face of the 12"
Ultra Track (4412). The Sub-Fence (4556F) is a two piece set.
Both pieces are rectangular in shape with one of the pieces having
a rectangular cutout. With the bottom edge of the 12" Ultra Track
(4412) resting on a flat surface, install the rectangular Sub-Fence
(without the cutout) on the Track with the oval nuts in the upper and
lower T-slots of the track. Position the end of the Sub-Fence even
with the right end of the track and loosely tighten the screws. This
Sub-Fence can be rotated 180º so the opposite end can be used.
(4556S) consists of two aluminum angle
components & hdw.: Stationary Stop - angle with a slot and a hole,
and an Adjustable Stop - angle with a notch and a hole. Install the
Stop assembly (4556S - loosen screws) on the track by inserting the
nuts, long portion of nuts facing away from each other, in the upper
T-slot of the track. Slide the Stops to the right, against the end of the
rectangular Sub-Fence, and loosely tighten both screws.
Install the remaining MDF Sub-Fence (4556F with cut
out) flush with the left end of the track and tighten the screws.
There will be about a 1/8" gap between the two Sub-fences.
Adjustable Stop
Stationary Stop