Glossary – Waldorf Lector User Manual
Page 43

Lector User´s Manual
Aliasing is an audible side effect arising in digital systems
as soon as a signal contains harmonics higher than half
the sampling frequency.
Describes to which extent a modulation influences a
given parameter.
An amplifier is a component that influences the volume
level of a sound via a control signal. This control signal is
often generated by an envelope or an LFO.
Analysis Signal
The analysis signal of a vocoder is the signal that is being
analyzed. Typically, this signal can be speech or a vocal
An envelope parameter. “Attack” is a term that describes
the ascent rate of an envelope from its starting point to the
point where it reaches its highest value. The Attack phase
is initiated immediately after a trigger signal is received,
i.e. after you play a note on the keyboard.
Carrier Signal
The carrier signal is the sound source that carries the
analysis sound. In the case of Lector, the carrier will either
be the built-in synthesizer or an external channel when
the Lector Carrier Plug-In ort he host integrated sidechain
function is used.
Clipping is a sort of distortion that occurs when a signal
exceeds its maximum value. The curve of a clipped signal
is dependent of the system where the clipping takes place.
In the analog domain, clipping effectively limits the signal
to its maximum level. In the digital domain, clipping is
similar to a numerical overflow and so the polarity of the
signal’s part above the maximum level is negated.
The cutoff frequency is a significant factor for filters. A
low pass filter dampens the portion of the signal that lies
above this frequency. Frequencies below this value are
allowed to pass through without being processed