Glide – Waldorf Lector User Manual
Page 24

The Controls in Detail
Lector User´s Manual
When you hit the keys smoothly, only minimal
modulation is applied. When you hit them harder, the
modulation amount also gets stronger.
The overall modulation applied to the filter’s cutoff
frequency is calculated as the sum of both the Env
and Velo parameters. Therefore you should always
bear this total in mind, especially when the filter does
not behave as you expect. You can also create
interesting effects by setting one parameter to a
positive and the other to a negative amount.
0...60 s
Determines the attack rate or amount of time it takes for a
signal to go from zero to maximum level.
0...60 s
Determines the decay rate or amount of time it takes for a
signal to reach the sustain level.
"Glide" or "Portamento" describes the continuous gliding
from one note to another. This effect can be created on
fretless stringed instruments or some brass instruments
(e.g. trombone). It is very common on synthesizers and
used throughout all music styles. Please note that Glide
affects the pitch of all oscillators.
Off / On
Enables or disables the Glide effect.
0.001...60 s
Determines the glide time. Low values will give a short
glide time in a range of milliseconds that gives a special
character to the sound. High values will result in a long
glide time of up to several seconds which can be useful
for solo and effect sounds.
Normal / Legato
Normal means that a continuous glide is performed on all
new notes. Legato means that a continuous glide is
performed only when notes are played legato. Staccato
played notes start on the exact pitch of their note.
Glide Mode
Portamento / Glissando
Determines the way the Glide effect works