The carrier signal of lector – Waldorf Lector User Manual

Page 17

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The Controls in Detail


Lector User´s Manual

Noise selects White Noise which contains all
frequencies with the same gain level. It is perfectly
suited to increase the articulation of human speech
that is used as speech signal source.

Speech selects the speech signal itself as signal
source fort he UV detector. It is suited for signals
with a high amount of transients as drum loops.

Noise Mix selects also White Noise. Compared to
Noise the noise will be mixed with the carrier signal
instead of relacing it. Use this setting when you want
to keep the tonal character of your carrier signal,
e.g. for robotic voices.

The Carrier Signal of Lector

In most use cases the integrated Lector syntheiszer will be
your carrier signal. Alternatively you can use any desired
signal as carrier that your host application delivers. There
are two different cases:

If you load Lector as VST3 plug-in (e.g. in newer
Cubase version) or as AU plug-in (e.g. in Logic), you
can take advantage of the host integrated sidechain
function. In this way you can route any signal source
(e.g. audio tracks or instrument tracks) directly to the
carrier input of Lecor by using the Aux send function
or the direct routing function of your host. In Lector
click on the Sidechain function to activate it. The
integrated synthesizer is deactivated automatically.

If your host doesn´t offer a sidechain function and if
you are working with the VST2.4 plug-in version of
Lector, you can use the separate Lector Carrier plug-
in for routing any source signal directly to Lector.
Load up to four Carrier plug-ins in an insert slot of a
desired track (audio track or instrument track). In
Lector click on the Sidechain function to activate
the corresponding sidechain input. The integrated
synthesizer is deactivated automatically. The Lector