Waldorf Lector User Manual
Page 29

The Controls in Detail
Lector User´s Manual
Sets the Release time for the Analysis Filter Bank. The
higher the value, the longer the release. Lower values will
create a more percussive effect, higher values will have
more “legato” results. Typically, this should be set to
values between 10 - 25.
Sets the number of Filter Bands. Please note, that this
parameter affects both the Analysis and Vocoder Banks.
Both sections always have a matching amount of filters.
The higher the number, the finer the resulting resolution,
i.e. the more “intelligible” the results when used on
speech signals.
For classic Vocoder effects you should set the number
of bands to values between 13 and 22. If you take it
further (beyond 40) it can sound increasingly “harsh”.
The Filter Bank Display
The upper half of the display shows the Analysis Band
range, the lower half indicates the settings for the Vocoder
Filter Band range. By clicking on the “L” or “H” handles,
you can move the parameters directly in the display.
Clicking between the flag markers and moving the mouse
horizontally changes both markers simultaneously.
The waveform at the center indicates if there is input
signal for processing.
Active LFO modulations of the Offset parameters are
shown in the lower half of the display.
Moving with the mouse over the display will stop the
animation to easily set up Low and High Offset. Moving
the mouse outside the display will continue the animation