Waldorf Lector User Manual
Page 23

The Controls in Detail
Lector User´s Manual
keyboard the cutoff frequency changes by the same
amount. If you want to play the filter in a tempered scale,
e.g. for a solo sound with self-oscillation, set the value to
Filter LFO
Determines the amount of influence the LFO has on the
cutoff frequency. For positive settings, the filter cutoff
frequency is increased by the modulation, for negative
settings, the cutoff frequency is decreased.
0...54 dB
Determines the amount of saturation that is added to the
signal. If set to 0, no saturation will be added or, in other
words, the signal will remain clean. Increasing the value
will add some harmonics to the signal, resulting in a
warm character up to complete distortion.
Drive Curve
Tube / Diode / Clip
Determines the character of the drive. The following drive
curves are available:
Tube simulates the asymmetric distortion of a tube
Diode generates a typical transistor distortion.
Clip generates a typical digital clipping while
cutting the signal at a certain gain level.
Filter Env
Determines the amount of influence the simplified filter
envelope has on the cutoff frequency. For positive
settings, the filter cutoff frequency is increased by the
modulation of the envelope, for negative settings, the
cutoff frequency is decreased. Use this parameter to
change the timbre of the sound over time. Sounds with a
hard attack usually have a positive envelope amount that
makes the start phase bright and then closes the filter to
get a darker sustain phase. String sounds, on the other
hand, usually use a negative envelope amount that gives a
slow and dark attack before the cutoff rises in the sustain
Filter Velo (Velocity)
Determines the amount of influence the filter envelope
has on the cutoff frequency, based on key velocity. This
parameter works similarly to the Env parameter with the
difference that its intensity is velocity based. Use this
feature to give a more expressive character to the sound.