Waldorf Lector User Manual
Page 10

Lector User´s Manual
Lector is copy-protected by the Soft eLicenser Copy
Protection. You do not need an USB key to authorize
Lector on a particular computer. However, we
strongly recommend to transfer the Lector license to
an eLicenser USB Key (i.e. from Steinberg or
eLicenser) during or after activation. Please consult
the eLicenser Control Center Online Help how to
perform this optional step.
If you want to use Lector on different computers or if
you want to remove the soft license from your current
computer or if you need to reinstall your computer
system you must transfer the Lector eLicense to an
eLicenser USB Key. Otherwise your soft license will
be gone forever.
Please note the “Read Me!” and “Important Changes”
text files on the Lector CD-ROM, which may contain
additional information and/or any changes.
If you want to upgrade your operating system
software or exchange any hardware system
component make sure to transfer your soft eLicense
to an optional eLicenser USB Key before.
Otherweise your soft license will be gone forever.