Installation issues, The mapinfo pdf printer driver did not install, Error messages – Pitney Bowes MapInfo Professional User Manual

Page 66: Message: unable to launch mapinfo professional, Message

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Installation Issues

Debug Startup Issues by Turning Off AutoLoad at Startup

To help you debug MapInfo Professional startup issues, launch MapInfo Professional with a NoAutoLoad
argument. When MapInfo Professional opens, it automatically loads a startup.wor, a mapinfo.wor, and
mapbasic autoload tools. System administrators managing MapInfo Professional installations can prevent
these from loading by running MapInfo Professional from the commandline with the NoAutoLoad

In the client computer’s command line, type:

path to application\MapInfow.exe -NoAutoLoad

Launching the software in this way helps to determine what is causing a startup issue.

The MapInfo PDF Printer Driver did not Install

It is possible that the MapInfo PDF Printer driver may not install when:

• Your IT department has a policy to restrict which users may install printers. Contact your IT department

to check if there is such a policy in place. If there is, then uninstall MapInfo Professional and have
them temporarily allow printer installation on your machine while you reinstall MapInfo Professional.

• Your anti-malware or anti-spyware is turned on during the installation. Uninstall MapInfo Professional.

Contact your IT department to temporarily stop the anti-malware or anti-spyware on your machine
while you reinstall MapInfo Professional.

Using .MSI file on the Installation DVD does not create a Warning Message

If performing a silent installation of MapInfo Professional, use the setup.exe file located in the
Install\MI_PROD\DISK1 folder on the MapInfo Professional DVD, and not the "MapInfo Professional
12.5.msi" file. The .msi file does not install necessary prerequisites. Using the .msi file to install MapInfo
Professional, instead of using setup.exe, will not install the necessary prerequisites and cause MapInfo
Professional to behave unexpectedly.

Error Messages

Message: Unable to launch MapInfo Professional

If the .NET install is canceled or interrupted when installing MapInfo Professional, then the .NET may
not be installed properly. If MapInfo Professional it does not launch after the second attempt to install it,
an "Unable to launch MapInfo Professional" message opens.

MapInfo Professional requires .NET 4.5, so the MapInfo Professional install wizard installs .NET before
it installs MapInfo Professional software. If the .NET install is interrupted or canceled, then the MapInfo
Professional install wizard cancels. If you then run the MapInfo Professional install wizard a second time,
it assumes that .NET was installed on the machine (even though its installation was interrupted or
cancelled) and the MapInfo Professional software is unable to launch and run.

The first attempt to install .NET leaves a registry key set on the machine, so any subsequent attempts
to install .NET assume that .NET is already on the machine—the MapInfo Professional install wizard
thinks that .NET is already installed.

MapInfo Professional 12.5


Installation Issues