Returning a license silently, Uninstalling silently – Pitney Bowes MapInfo Professional User Manual

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Returning a License Silently

Before making any hardware changes to your PC (such as disk re-formatting) please remember to return
your activated license back to Pitney Bowes Software Inc. or to your License Server. After your hardware
has been changed you may then re-activate your license.

To return a node-locked, borrowed, or distributed license to the Pitney Bowes Software FNO or your
License Server, type the following in a command line:

MapInfow.exe -ReturnLicense c:\mylog.txt

where c:\mylog.txt is the path and name of a log file that tracks the details (successes and errors)
of the return process. The log file is optional.

One of these occur:

• The license is returned to the Pitney Bowes Software Inc. FNO server or your License Server

• An error occurs preventing the return of the license

To view the results of the return process after it is complete, open the log file with any text editor. Possible
log file messages include:

What to Do


The return process for the distributed license is

Your distributed license was returned successfully
to the license server ServerName.

The return process for the borrowed license is

Your borrowed license was returned successfully
to the license server ServerName.

The return process for the node-locked license is

Your node license was returned successfully to
Pitney Bowes Software Inc.

Check the log file for the details of the error and
correct the problem either on the client’s machine
or in your License Server, as needed.

If returnable license was found but the system
could not return it, the system posts an error
message describing the error.

Check the About this Product dialog box to ensure
that the license is distributed and try the return
process again.

No license was returned as no distributed license
was found.

Check your License Server to make sure the
license is available and the server is up. Then try
the return process again.

No license was returned as no server license was

Check the About this Product dialog box to ensure
that the license is node locked and try the return
process again.

No license was returned as no node- lock license
was found.

Uninstalling Silently

To perform a silent uninstall of MapInfo Professional 12.5:

From the command line on the target computer type:

msiexec.exe /x {6CC1F5E4-8F93-483C-A9AE-930C6477B0A0}/q

Running this command only uninstalls MapInfo Professional 12.5. It does not uninstall a previous
version of MapInfo Professional. It does not uninstall MapInfo ProViewer, MapInfo Runtime, or

MapInfo Professional 12.5


Uninstalling Silently