File menu, Edit menu, Ge 46 – Nisus InfoClick User Manual
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File menu
The InfoClick Menus
File menu
Choose commands from the File menu to open, save, and print documents in InfoClick.
New InfoClick Note
Opens a new, untitled InfoClick note.
Open Recent
Choose commands from the Open Recent submenu to open InfoClick notes you
have recently worked on in InfoClick.
Clear Menu
Removes all InfoClick notes accumulated in the Open Recent
Closes the active window. If it is an InfoClick note that contains any unsaved
changes you will see a dialog prompting you to save. Press
to close all open
windows. If any windows contain unsaved changes, a dialog prompts you to save
Saves the active InfoClick note. If the note has never been saved, InfoClick
automatically names the note based on what you have entered in the subject field,
or, if there is nothing in the subject field, the first characters in the note.
Export As…
Exports your file to a different format such as Microsoft Word 97 - 2004
document, Rich Text (RTF), HTML Text, Text.
Revert to Saved Returns the active InfoClick note window to the way it was when it was last saved.
Page Setup…
Customize specific printer options. The options in the Page Setup dialog are
specific to the printer selected.
Print an InfoClick note or a search results listing, whichever is the active window.
Edit menu
Reverses the effect of the last action made in the current editing session of an
InfoClick note window. Choose Undo repeatedly to step back through all changes
made in the active InfoClick note window.
Undo an Undo. Choose Redo repeatedly to redo all recent Undos until the Undo
list is empty.
Removes the current selection and inserts it in the current Clipboard, replacing
whatever was in the Clipboard.
Places a copy of the current selection in the current Clipboard, replacing whatever
was in the Clipboard.
Places the contents of the current Clipboard into your document at the insertion
Paste And Match Style
Pastes the text on the Clipboard so that it assumes surrounding attributes in an
InfoClick note.
Deletes the current selection from your InfoClick window or note. The deleted
selection is not stored on the Clipboard.
Select All
Selects everything in that portion of the active InfoClick window or note where the
insertion point appears.
Choose commands from the Find submenu to specify Find and Replace options. in
your InfoClick notes.
Opens the Find window.
Find Next
Finds the next occurrence of the Find Expression in the active note
without activating the Find/Replace window.
Find Previous
Finds the preceding occurrence of the Find Expression in the active
document without activating the Find/Replace window.
Use Selection for Find
Inserts the current selection in the Find box of the Find & Replace
window without activating it. This is similar to Copy to Find in
Nisus Writer Pro and Nisus Writer Express.
Jump to Selection
Scrolls the active InfoClick note to the location of the insertion
Spelling & Grammar
Choose commands from the Spelling & Grammar submenu to check the
spelling of your InfoClick note.
Show Spelling and Grammar
Opens the Spelling dialog for you to check the spelling. It