The menu bar, The title bar – Nisus InfoClick User Manual
Page 20

The Title Bar
Getting Started
The Menu Bar
Figure 15
The InfoClick Menu Bar
The menu bar lists the menus available in InfoClick. Click your pointer on a menu title to display
the list of available commands.
The list below reviews the menus available in InfoClick and briefly describes when to use which
Use the InfoClick menu to access commands that control the entire application,
not one portion of it: Preferences, Services, Hide/Show, Quit. A complete listing
and description of the commands of this menu begins on page 45.
Use File to create a new or open an existing note, close, save, and print notes, or
the state of the search window. A complete listing and description of the
commands of this menu begins on page 46.
Use Edit to change text as well as undo or redo actions and use Cut Copy, Paste,
Delete, Select All, Find, Spelling and Grammar, Substitutions, Transformations,
and Speech. A complete listing and description of the commands of this menu
begins on page 46.
Use Email to interact with Apple’s in various ways. A complete listing and
description of the commands of this menu begins on page 47.
Use Format (with its submenus) to change the way your text appears in your
notes. A complete listing and description of the commands of this menu begins on
page 48.
Use Window to choose among active windows. A complete listing and description
of the commands of this menu begins on page 49.
Use Database to make sure that the InfoClick database is always up to date.
Use Help to get InfoClick Help which gives you extensive explanations and hints
regarding all of the features found in InfoClick. A complete listing and description
of the commands of this menu begins on page 49.
The Title Bar
The Title Bar, which appears across the top of every note window consists of two parts.
The left side contains three buttons. Click to close (red/left), minimize (to the Dock) (amber/
center), and zoom (green/right).
The center of the Title Bar displays the InfoClick note icon and its name.
and click the name of a saved note to see the path to that note’s location on your hard
Figure 16
The InfoClick Title Bar (Untitled, Saved, Saved and then modified)