The text search group – Nisus InfoClick User Manual
Page 27

Find What You Seek!
Normal Search groups
Figure 21
The Contact selector bubble pop-down menu with options turned off
The list area displays all matching items. They are identified by:
To whom they are addressed
From whom they were sent
Kind indicating if the item is an email an InfoClick note or an item from an RSS feed.
whatever appeared in the Subject field
the Date (and time) they were sent
You can customize this list:
Click any one of the headings to sort the by that list list
Click the same heading a second time to reverse the sequence of the sort order.
Drag the little vertical separator lines to expand the fields
Drag the title bar of any column to change its position.
InfoClick saves these settings when you quit the application.
The Text search group
As illustrated in Figure 21, searching only for emails from Kenneth Lay lists all of 35 items.
However, the particular one you may want might not yet display in the list.
1. Begin typing in the Text area to further narrow the search.
The hint here reads Subject or Content or URLs.
2. Click the selectors you want.
Suppose you want to find something related to “promotions”. Type: pro. The pop-down menu
appears as illustrated in Figure 22 and you can press
A or 1 to select the words “promotion”
and “promotions”. The resulting “bubble” is illustrated in Figure 23 on page 13.
3. Once again, as illustrated in Figure 23, click the down-pointing triangle, or right-click (or
control-click) anywhere on the bubble, to display a menu from which you can disable options to
further narrow your search.