Getting help, Get online help, Getting set up – Nisus InfoClick User Manual
Page 12: Installing infoclick, Install infoclick on your macintosh from the nisus, Web site, Figure 4, Ge ii

Getting Help
Welcome to InfoClick
Wedges, as used in the section “Get online help” lower on this page, indicate instructions (or, in
the section that describes what each menu command does, a command’s presence in a
submenu). If you need to follow a series of steps in order, they are numbered.
Getting Help
All of us at Nisus Software are proud of our commitment to offer you quality software. Aside from
this manual we have on-line help available from the Help menu. We also offer technical support
from our offices.
Send email with your question, please be sure to include your Macintosh model name and number,
InfoClick version and registration number, the version of the Macintosh Operating System you use,
and your question or description of your problem. E-mail us at ([email protected]).
Get online help
Choose the menu command Help > InfoClick Help.
Point to an item to show “Tool Tips”, a short description of what that tool does.
Choose the menu command Help > Get Support… to contact our online user’s forum and
friendly support staff.
Getting Set Up
Make sure your System meets these minimum requirements:
Macintosh running Mac OS X Snow Leopard (10.6.6) or Lion (Mac OS X 10.7.4) or later.
Installing InfoClick
There are two possible ways of installing InfoClick. Either one is a simple process.
You can download the application from the site (as a demo or a purchase). These
instructions begin immediately below. or,
You can purchase and download the application from the Mac App Store. These instructions
begin on page iii.
Install InfoClick on your Macintosh from the Nisus Web site
1. Make sure your Macintosh runs Mac OS X Snow Leopard (10.6.6) or later.
2. Download the application.
3. Double-click the InfoClick installer icon illustrated in Figure 3.
Figure 3
The InfoClick installer icon
4. When InfoClick has finished installing, you will find the InfoClick icon, illustrated in Figure 4,
in the Applications folder of your Hard Disk.
5. Start InfoClick.
Figure 4
The InfoClick application icon
6. When you see the InfoClick icon in your Dock choose the menu commands Keep in Dock and
Open at Login from the Options menu illustrated in Figure 14 on page 3. In that way it will
always be no more than one click away.