Opening notes, Exporting notes, Formatting notes – Nisus InfoClick User Manual
Page 52: Display formatting tools

InfoClick Notes
Choose the menu command File > Close
This presents the alert illustrated in 36 asking if you are sure you want to close the note
without saving it.
Click Don’t Save to discard the note.
Click Cancel to return to the InfoClick note window.
Click Save to have InfoClick save the note based on the content in the Subject field or the
first line of its text, then immediately close the note.
Figure 53
The InfoClick Save alert.
Click the button Save & Close
This saves and closes note.
All your notes are saved in the InfoClick application’s Application Support folder according to
the date of its creation.
Opening Notes
There are two methods for opening notes.
Search for the note in the InfoClick Search window, select the note item and double-click or
Choose the note from the menu: File > Open Recent.
Exporting Notes
Choose File > Export As… to export your file to a different format such as
Microsoft Word 97 - 2004 document,
Rich Text (RTF),
HTML Text,
and save it to your disk.
Formatting Notes
InfoClick enables you to format your notes in a number of ways. The tools are all available in the
Format menu and in the Toolbar that appears in the text (as contrasted with the Subject) portion of
your note.
Display formatting tools
Most of the formatting tools for InfoClick notes are in the Format menu. These are described
individually beginning on page 48.
Put your insertion point inside the text editing area of a note and choose the menu command
Format > Show Ruler.
Figure 54
The InfoClick Note Ruler and Toolbar