First startup, Install infoclick on your macintosh from the mac, App store – Nisus InfoClick User Manual

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Installing InfoClick


Install InfoClick on your Macintosh from the Mac App Store

When you purchase InfoClick from the Mac App Store, the application downloads directly to your
Applications folder. The application is associated with your Apple ID and you do not need to enter a
license. You may, however want to continue with steps 5 and 6 above.

First Startup

When you first start InfoClick you will see two or three windows:
The first window displays the InfoClick license agreement. Feel free to read this standard
agreement. You must click I Agree in order to proceed. You can always re-read this by choosing the
menu command Help > License Agreement of InfoClick.

Figure 5

The InfoClick License Agreement

The first time you launch InfoClick all your emails stored locally by Apple’s will be indexed
in the background. When this indexing is completed InfoClick displays the alert illustrated in Figure
on page .

The initial indexing process will take some time, particularly if you have a lot of emails, notes or RSS

Only emails downloaded and stored for offline viewing in Apple's Mail application are searchable by
This only happens once; InfoClick automatically updates its index periodically to include new
emails if you keep it running. For that reason we recommend that you have InfoClick launch
automatically when you log in.