Keep the database up to date, Building your database, Scan for new emails – Nisus InfoClick User Manual

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Keep The Database Up To Date

It is likely that you constantly receive new mail and RSS feeds (if you have not upgraded to
Mountain Lion: Mac OS X 10.8.x) throughout the day and night. You may periodically go though
your “junk” mail folder and delete items that are confirmed junk and not misattributed. InfoClick’s
normal tools take these phenomena into account. However, you may also want to anticipate
InfoClick’s work in this area.

Building Your Database

InfoClick builds its database of your emails, RSS feeds, and notes when it first launches. However,
computers are not foolproof, (as the seemingly anonymous statement goes: “Nothing is foolproof to a
sufficiently talented fool.”) something may crash and damage the file that InfoClick keeps. If
InfoClick notices that there is a problem it will notify you. You can, however, act proactively and
rebuild the database on your own.

Choose the menu command Database > Rebuild Database.

Remember, however, that this process will take some time (depending on the size of your
database) and you will not be able to use InfoClick in the interim.

InfoClick looks for your emails in the folder usually designated by the OS as illustrated in Figure


Figure 46

Default location of the Mail

You may, however, like to keep your mail elsewhere, perhaps on an external drive. In that case you
need to tell InfoClick that the mail database is not in the usual location.

1. Choose the menu command Database > Rebuild Database From Folder…
2. In the variant of the Open dialog that appears, navigate to the location of your database and

click Choose Email Folder.

Scan for New Emails

InfoClick frequently updates its database by scanning for new emails. You may, however be in the
midst of a variety of intense email exchanges before InfoClick has had the chance to go through its
three steps on its own, as illustrated in Figure 47 through Figure 49:

Looking for new emails…