Check for updates – Nisus InfoClick User Manual
Page 15

Welcome to InfoClick
Installing InfoClick
Since you have purchased InfoClick online you should have the license number in your receipt
email from Nisus Software Inc. Copy it to the Clipboard and paste it into this dialog.
6. Click Enter License.
7. If you ever lose your license number you can return to this window, click the online license
lookup button and receive a copy of your license in your email.
8. Once your number has been entered correctly, the Enter License button changes to OK. Click
that to close the dialog.
Thank you for purchasing InfoClick.
Once again, if you purchased InfoClick from the Mac App Store you do not need to enter a license
number. The above section is moot.
Check for updates?
As InfoClick continues its startup tasks, it asks if you want the application to automatically check
for updates (new versions).
Figure 8
The check for updates on startup dialog
If your working environment includes a persistent and fast Internet connection you should click
Check Automatically. This enables you to receive each new update as it is released without
bothering to pay attention. What you choose here determines the preference set in the InfoClick
preferences illustrated in Figure 55 and described on page 39. If, later you wish to change this
notification, you can do so in the preferences.
You can help Nisus Software Inc. learn how to make InfoClick better by also checking the box
Include anonymous system profile. If you are concerned and curious to know what kind of
information is collected, click the triangle to the left of the checkbox. The window expands to
display the information sent, as illustrated in Figure 9.