The location search group – Nisus InfoClick User Manual

Page 38

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Normal Search groups

Find What You Seek!

The Location search group

Over the years you may have switched email addresses. You may currently save both your private
and work email locally. Or, you may have used Mail’s ability to sort your emails into “mailboxes”. In
any of these cases InfoClick can help you limit your search to one or more account, one or more
mailbox, or exclude specific accounts or mailboxes.
The Enron Email Dataset used in the examples here, is a compilation of email accounts containing
data from about 150 users, organized into folders. So, limiting the search for mail to, or from,
Kenneth Lay on the subject of promotion(s) only in the account of Jeffrey Skilling yields a match of
only 6 items as illustrated in Figure 36.

Figure 36

Designating a specific account in which to search

As illustrated in Figure 37 on page 23, you can use the Location field’s pop-down menu to alter the
search so that you can examine only those emails not in the Skilling account (resulting in 20
In the Normal Search mode you can use the Location field to search in either an Account or a
Folder (i.e. “mailbox”), but not both. Once again, as illustrated in Figure 38 on page 23, examining
the emails of “Yours Truly” for any items dealing with the explosive issue of “nuclear” (5168 items)
that had been stored in the various folders “Iran”, “Israel”, “mideast situation”, “politics”, etc. The
number of relevant emails decreases to 43 items.

To search in more than one folder press


as you choose additional selectors from the pop-

down menu.

If you use the Detailed Search mode (explained further beginning on page 25) the Location field
expands to two fields: Account and Mailbox. This enables you to extend your winnowing to search
in, or exclude from your search, the various accounts you have in your stored email as illustrated in
Figure 39 on page 24.