User instructions, English – Konig Electronic IP baby monitor User Manual

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User instructions

A. Hardware Installation

1. Please find a location to install IP baby monitor that is within good Wi-Fi signal reach of

your home Router.

2. If you plan to hang the IP baby monitor, you can use the mounting kit found in inside box.

3. If the included power cable does not have sufficient length to reach power outlet, please

purchase an extender cable from your local electronics store.

4. Connect the camera power adapter.


Please use the power adapter included with your camera to avoid damage to the


When the camera powers up, the status LED will be Green for about 15 seconds before

flashing red. If there is no red LED flashing, please unplug the power cord, wait 5 seconds,

then re-connect the power. It will take about 60 seconds for the IP baby monitor to finish

starting up. The status LED should alternate between Red and Green. If the status LED does

not flash Red and Green, please press and hold the WPS/RESET button at the back of IP

baby monitor for 10 seconds.

B. Hardware Installation
1. Download the Smartphone App “uCare Cam” from the App store

(iOS) or Play Store (Android).

2. Search for the App named “uCare Cam”, then download and

install it on your smartphone.

3. After the software installation is complete, this icon


appear . Click on this to run the App.

C. uCare Cam APP Overview

Default camera password:


Default manager name:


Default manager password:


There are 4 major function tabs at the bottom of the App main screen.