Hanna Instruments HI 2216 User Manual
Page 38

• the calibration time,
yymmddhhmmss (12 chars).
• electrode condition, with sign (3 chars). The
“-01” code means not calculated.
• Rel mV calibration data (if available), which contains:
• the calibration offset, with sign (7 chars)
• the calibration time,
yymmddhhmmss (12 chars).
• ISE calibration data (if available), which contains:
• the number of calibrated standards (1 char)
• the ion charge, with sign (0 means undefined)
(2 chars)
• the calibration slope, with sign and decimal point
(7 chars)
• the calibration time,
yymmddhhmmss (12 chars)
• standards information (for each standard)
• type (1 char): 0 - always standard solution.
• status (1 char): N (new) - calibrated in last
calibration; O (old) - from an old calibration.
• warnings during calibration (2 chars): 00 -
no warning.
• standard value, with sign and decimal point
(7 chars).
• calibration time,
yymmddhhmmss (12 chars).
Requests the setup parameters setting.
The answer string contains:
• Instrument ID (4 chars)
• Calibration alarm time out for pH range (2 chars)
• Calibration alarm time out for ISE range (2 chars)
• SETUP information (2 chars): 8 bit hexadecimal
• 0x01 - beep ON (else OFF)
• 0x04 - degrees Celsius (else degrees Fahrenheit)
• 0x08 - Offset calibration (else Point calibration)
• The number of custom buffers (1 char)
• The custom buffer values, with sign and decimal
point, for each defined custom buffer (7 chars)
• Ion charge (2 chars)
Requests the number of logged samples (4 chars).
Command Parameter (1 char):
x - range (see Note)