Saving results – EXFO MaxTester MAX-630 User Manual
Page 101
VDSL2/ADSL2+ Multi-play Test Set
Saving, Reading, and
Exporting DSL/IP Test Results
Saving Results
You can save a snapshot of test results into a result file during or after
performing a DSL/IP test, with the MaxTester. Each Auto Test, Manual, and
Ethernet test includes an Upload/Save Result tab to do so. The tab allows
you to Upload & Save your test results using the existing in-band DSL or
Ethernet connection made during the test; or you can Save your results to
an internal memory file; or Export results to an HTML, MHTML, or XML
report using a USB key.
Alternately, when a test is completed or stopped and
you press
, Confirm Save Results dialogue box
pops up. Selecting Yes displays the Upload/Save
Result screen where the following information can be
Identification Fields
User Name/User ID display the values set up
in the Setup/Application
Settings/Identification tab. You can edit this
field using the editor screen.
Test From/To display the values set up in the
Setup/Application Settings/Identification tab. You can edit this
field using the choices from the list box.
Job ID allows you to create/edit a unique identifier for the task.
Customer Name is the name of the customer for which the test
was run.
Circuit ID allows you to create/edit a unique identifier for the
circuit under test.
Comments allows you to add any relevant information.