Electronic bombing game, Photo switcher – Elenco Circuit Maker Sound Plus 200 User Manual
Page 71
Project #180
Project #179
Build the circuit at left. It uses both jumper wires as permanent
connections. It also uses two 2-snap wires as “shorting bars”.
Setup: Player 1 sets the target by placing one shorting bar
under the paper on row C, D, or E. Player 2 must NOT know
where the shorting bar is located under the paper.
The object is for Player 2 to guess the location by placing their
shorting bar (another 2-snap) at positions X, Y, or Z. In the
drawing on the left Player 1 set up this hole at position “E”. If
Player 2 places their shorting bar across “Z” on the first try
then they get a hit. They keep guessing until they hit. After
each hit, remove the shorting bars and slide the switch off and
on to reset the sound.
Player 2 then sets the C, D, E side and player 1 tries their luck.
Play multiple rounds and see who gets the best overall score.
The winner will be the player who is best at reading their
opponent’s mind.
Electronic Bombing
Turn the slide switch (S1) on. If there is light on the photoresistor (RP)
then the LED (D1) turns on. Cover the photoresistor to switch off the LED
and switch on the lamp (L4).
Photo Switcher
Sheet of
paper to hide
position of
shorting bar
Shorting Bar for
A, B, C, or D
Shorting Bar for
X, Y, or Z
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